Strengthening Marriages Through Support and Education

Home Encouragement helps Houston marriages become important again to families and communities. We partner with many others who share the same dream. We're all about healthy dating relationships, solid marriages, and strong families!

Home Encouragement was created to support healthy marriages and strong families in the Greater Houston area. We do this through fun dating and premarital training, marriage enrichment opportunities, and marriage education.

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Why We're Here

Houston is a massive and diversified metropolitan city with a well-deserved reputation for having a progressive “can-do” spirit behind it. But beneath the community’s optimistic growth lies the hidden fact that many marriages and families are in crisis. Skyrocketing divorce rates and fragile family situations continue to compromise Houston’s future generations. And the breakdown of the family isn’t just costly to children. Divorce and unwed parenting cost U.S. taxpayers at least $112 billion annually, according to a very recent study. However, we believe, by God’s grace, that Houstonians can reverse these trends in our city. Let’s see what we can do together!

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